Unidad de Lípidos y Epidemiología Cardiovascular
IMIM (Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques). Barcelona
Ramos R, Garcia-Gil M, Comas-Cufí M, Quesada M, Marrugat J, Elosua R, Sala J, Grau M, Martí R, Ponjoan A, Alves-Cabratosa L, Blanch J, Bolíbar B
Statins for Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in a Low-Risk Population With Low Ankle Brachial Index.
J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2016; 67: 630-640
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Sayols-Baixeras S, Subirana I, Lluís-Ganella C, Civeira F, Roquer J, Do AN, Absher D, Cenarro A, Muñoz D, Soriano-Tarraga C, Jiménez-Conde J, Ordovas JM, Sentí M, Aslibekyan S, Marrugat J, Arnett DK, Elosua R
Identification and validation of seven new loci showing differential DNA methylation related to serum lipid profile: an epigenome-wide approach. The REGICOR study.
Hum. Mol. Genet. 2016; 25: 4556-4565
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Emdin CA, Khera AV, Natarajan P, Klarin D, Won HH, Peloso GM, Stitziel NO, Nomura A, Zekavat SM, Bick AG, Gupta N, Asselta R, Duga S, Merlini PA, Correa A, Kessler T, Wilson JG, Bown MJ, Hall AS, Braund PS, Samani NJ, Schunkert H, Marrugat J, Elosua R, McPherson R, Farrall M, Watkins H, Willer C, Abecasis GR, Felix JF, Vasan RS, Lander E, Rader DJ, Danesh J, Ardissino D, Gabriel S, Saleheen D, Kathiresan S
Phenotypic Characterization of Genetically Lowered Human Lipoprotein(a) Levels.
J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2016; 68: 2761-2772
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Sala-Vila A, Guasch-Ferré M, Hu FB, Sánchez-Tainta A, Bulló M, Serra-Mir M, López-Sabater C, Sorlí JV, Arós F, Fiol M, Muñoz MA, Serra-Majem L, Martínez JA, Corella D, Fitó M, Salas-Salvadó J, Martínez-González MA, Estruch R, Ros E
Dietary α-Linolenic Acid, Marine ω-3 Fatty Acids, and Mortality in a Population With High Fish Consumption: Findings From the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) Study.
J Am Heart Assoc 2016; 5:
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Velescu A, Clarà A, Peñafiel J, Grau M, Dégano IR, Martí R, Ramos R, Marrugat J, Elosua R
Peripheral Arterial Disease Incidence and Associated Risk Factors in a Mediterranean Population-based Cohort. The REGICOR Study.
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2016; 51: 696-705
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Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19·2 million participants.
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Baena-Diez JM, Peñafiel J, Subirana I, Ramos R, Elosua R, Marín-Ibañez A, Guembe MJ, Rigo F, Tormo-Díaz MJ, Moreno-Iribas C, Cabré JJ, Segura A, García-Lareo M, Gómez de la Cámara A, Lapetra J, Quesada M, Marrugat J, Medrano MJ, Berjón J, Frontera G, Gavrila D, Barricarte A, Basora J, García JM, Pavone NC, Lora-Pablos D, Mayoral E, Franch J, Mata M, Castell C, Francés A, Grau M
Risk of Cause-Specific Death in Individuals With Diabetes: A Competing Risks Analysis.
Diabetes Care 2016; 39: 1987-1995
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Garcia-Gil M, Parramon D, Comas-Cufí M, Martí R, Ponjoan A, Alves-Cabratosa L, Blanch J, Petersen I, Elosua R, Grau M, Salvador B, Ramos R
Role of renal function in cardiovascular risk assessment: A retrospective cohort study in a population with low incidence of coronary heart disease.
Prev Med 2016; 89: 200-6
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Marrugat J, Elosua R, Grau M, Sayols-Baixeras S, Dégano IR
Prevalence and Prognosis of High-risk Myocardial Infarction Patient Candidates to Extended Antiplatelet Therapy.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2016; 69: 480-7
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Herrera S, Guelar A, Sorlì L, Vila J, Molas E, Grau M, Marrugat J, Esteve E, Güerri-Fernández R, Montero M, Knobel H
The Framingham function overestimates the risk of ischemic heart disease in HIV-infected patients from Barcelona.
HIV Clin Trials 2016; 17: 131-9
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Sanchis J, Núñez E, Barrabés JA, Marín F, Consuegra-Sanchez L, Ventura S, Valero E, Roqué M, Bayés-Genís A, Del Blanco BG, Dégano I, Núñez J
Randomized comparison between the invasive and conservative strategies in comorbid elderly patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction.
Eur. J. Intern. Med. 2016; 35: 89-94
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A century of trends in adult human height.
Elife 2016; 5:
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Dégano IR, Salomaa V, Veronesi G, Ferrières J, Kirchberger I, Laks T, Havulinna AS, Ruidavets JB, Ferrario MM, Meisinger C, Elosua R, Marrugat J
Twenty-five-year trends in myocardial infarction attack and mortality rates, and case-fatality, in six European populations.
Heart 2015; 101: 1413-21
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Zabalza M, Subirana I, Lluís-Ganella C, Sayols-Baixeras S, de Groot E, Arnold R, Cenarro A, Ramos R, Marrugat J, Elosua R
Association Between Coronary Artery Disease Genetic Variants and Subclinical Atherosclerosis: An Association Study and Meta-analysis.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2015; 68: 869-77
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Pérez L, Wolf K, Hennig F, Penell J, Basagaña X, Foraster M, Aguilera I, Agis D, Beelen R, Brunekreef B, Cyrys J, Fuks KB, Adam M, Baldassare D, Baldassarre D, Cirach M, Elosua R, Dratva J, Hampel R, Koenig W, Marrugat J, de Faire U, Pershagen G, Probst-Hensch NM, de Nazelle A, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Rathmann W, Rivera M, Seissler J, Schindler C, Thierry J, Hoffmann B, Thiery J, Peters A, Künzli N
Air pollution and atherosclerosis: a cross-sectional analysis of four European cohort studies in the ESCAPE study.
Environ. Health Perspect. 2015; 123: 597-605
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Velescu A, Clarà A, Peñafiel J, Ramos R, Martí R, Grau M, Dégano IR, Marrugat J, Elosua R
Adding low ankle brachial index to classical risk factors improves the prediction of major cardiovascular events. The REGICOR study.
Atherosclerosis 2015; 241: 357-63
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Roquer J, Giralt-Steinhauer E, Cerdà G, Rodríguez-Campello A, Cuadrado-Godia E, Jiménez-Conde J, Vivanco-Hidalgo RM, Soriano C, Dégano IR, Ois A
Glycated Hemoglobin Value Combined with Initial Glucose Levels for Evaluating Mortality Risk in Patients with Ischemic Stroke.
Cerebrovasc. Dis. 2015; 40: 244-50
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Agüero F, González-Zobl G, Baena-Diez JM, Dégano IR, Garcia-Gil M, Alzamora MT, Marrugat J, Comas-Cufí M, Pera G, Elosua R, Ramos R, Grau M
Prevalence of lower extremity peripheral arterial disease in individuals with chronic immune mediated inflammatory disorders.
Atherosclerosis 2015; 242: 1-7
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Laguna-Fernandez A, Novella S, Bueno-Betí C, Marrugat J, Hermenegildo C
Endothelial transcriptomic changes induced by oxidized low density lipoprotein disclose an up-regulation of Jak-Stat pathway.
Vascul. Pharmacol. 2015; 73: 104-14
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Sayols-Baixeras S, Lluís-Ganella C, Subirana I, Salas LA, Vilahur N, Corella D, Muñoz D, Segura A, Jiménez-Conde J, Moran S, Soriano-Tarraga C, Roquer J, López-Farré A, Marrugat J, Fitó M, Elosua R
Identification of a new locus and validation of previously reported loci showing differential methylation associated with smoking. The REGICOR study.
Epigenetics 2015; 10: 1156-65
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Musameh MD, Wang WY, Nelson CP, Lluís-Ganella C, Debiec R, Subirana I, Elosua R, Balmforth AJ, Ball SG, Hall AS, Kathiresan S, Thompson JR, Lucas G, Samani NJ, Tomaszewski M
Analysis of gene-gene interactions among common variants in candidate cardiovascular genes in coronary artery disease.
PLoS ONE 2015; 10: e0117684
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Dégano IR, Subirana I, Torre M, Grau M, Vila J, Fusco D, Kirchberger I, Ferrières J, Malmivaara A, Azevedo A, Meisinger C, Bongard V, Farmakis D, Davoli M, Häkkinen U, Araújo C, Lekakis J, Elosua R, Marrugat J
A European benchmarking system to evaluate in-hospital mortality rates in acute coronary syndrome: the EURHOBOP project.
Int. J. Cardiol. 2015; 182: 509-16
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Agüero F, Marrugat J, Elosua R, Sala J, Masiá R, Ramos R, Grau M
New myocardial infarction definition affects incidence, mortality, hospitalization rates and prognosis.
Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; 22: 1272-80
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Cuadrado-Godia E, Regueiro A, Núñez J, Díaz-Ricard M, Novella S, Oliveras A, Valverde MA, Marrugat J, Ois A, Giralt-Steinhauer E, Sanchis J, Escolar G, Hermenegildo C, Heras M, Roquer J
Endothelial Progenitor Cells Predict Cardiovascular Events after Atherothrombotic Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction. A PROCELL Substudy.
PLoS ONE 2015; 10: e0132415
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Regueiro A, Cuadrado-Godia E, Bueno-Betí C, Diaz-Ricart M, Oliveras A, Novella S, Gené GG, Jung C, Subirana I, Ortiz-Pérez JT, Roqué M, Freixa X, Núñez J, Escolar G, Marrugat J, Hermenegildo C, Valverde MA, Roquer J, Sanchis J, Heras M
Mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells in acute cardiovascular events in the PROCELL study: time-course after acute myocardial infarction and stroke.
J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 2015; 80: 146-55
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Pereira M, Araújo C, Dias P, Lunet N, Subirana I, Marrugat J, Capewell S, Bennett K, Azevedo A
Age and sex inequalities in the prescription of evidence-based pharmacological therapy following an acute coronary syndrome in Portugal: the EURHOBOP study.
Eur J Prev Cardiol 2014; 21: 1401-8
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Cabrera de León A, Almeida González D, González Hernández A, Domínguez Coello S, Marrugat J, Juan Alemán Sánchez J, Brito Díaz B, Marcelino Rodríguez I, Pérez Mdel C, Pérez MD
Relationships between serum resistin and fat intake, serum lipid concentrations and adiposity in the general population.
J. Atheroscler. Thromb. 2014; 21: 454-62
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Catalán-Ramos A, Verdú JM, Grau M, Iglesias-Rodal M, del Val García JL, Consola A, Comín E
Population prevalence and control of cardiovascular risk factors: what electronic medical records tell us.
Aten Primaria 2014; 46: 15-24
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Baena-Diez JM, Grau M, Forès R, Fernández-Bergés D, Elosua R, Sorribes M, Félix-Redondo FJ, Segura A, Rigo F, Cabrera de León A, Sanz H, Marrugat J, Sala J
Prevalence of atrial fibrillation and its associated factors in Spain: An analysis of 6 population-based studies. DARIOS Study.
Rev Clin Esp 2014; 214: 505-12
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Marrugat J, Subirana I, Ramos R, Vila J, Marín-Ibañez A, Guembe MJ, Rigo F, Tormo Díaz MJ, Moreno-Iribas C, Cabré JJ, Segura A, Baena-Diez JM, de la Cámara AG, Lapetra J, Grau M, Quesada M, Medrano MJ, González Diego P, Frontera G, Gavrila D, Aicua EA, Basora J, García JM, García-Lareo M, Gutierrez JA, Mayoral E, Sala J, D'Agostino R, Elosua R
Derivation and validation of a set of 10-year cardiovascular risk predictive functions in Spain: the FRESCO Study.
Prev Med 2014; 61: 66-74
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Ponjoan A, García-Gil MM, Martí R, Comas-Cufí M, Alves-I-Cabratosa L, Sala J, Marrugat J, Elosua R, de Tuero GC, Grau M, Ramos R
Derivation and validation of BOREAS, a risk score identifying candidates to develop cold-induced hypertension.
Environ. Res. 2014; 132: 190-6
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García-Dorado García D, Díez J, Cinca J, Marrugat J, Fernández-Avilés Díaz F
Cooperative research in biomedicine. Spain's cardiovascular network, Red de Investigación Cardiovascular.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2014; 67: 254-8
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Foraster M, Basagaña X, Aguilera I, Rivera M, Agis D, Bouso L, Deltell A, Marrugat J, Ramos R, Sunyer J, Vila J, Elosua R, Künzli N
Association of long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution with blood pressure and hypertension in an adult population-based cohort in Spain (the REGICOR study).
Environ. Health Perspect. 2014; 122: 404-11
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Galve E, Alegria E, Cordero A, Fácila L, Fernández de Bobadilla J, Lluís-Ganella C, Mazón P, de Pablo Zarzosa C, González-Juanatey JR
Update in Cardiology: Vascular Risk and Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Rev Esp Cardiol 2014; 67: 203-210
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Schröder H, Ramos R, Baena-Diez JM, Mendez MA, Canal DJ, Fitó M, Sala J, Elosua R
Determinants of the transition from a cardiometabolic normal to abnormal overweight/obese phenotype in a Spanish population.
Eur J Nutr 2014; 53: 1345-53
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Gómez M, Vila J, Elosua R, Molina L, Bruguera J, Sala J, Masiá R, Covas MI, Marrugat J, Fitó M
Relationship of lipid oxidation with subclinical atherosclerosis and 10-year coronary events in general population.
Atherosclerosis 2014; 232: 134-40
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Rivera M, Basagaña X, Aguilera I, Foraster M, Agis D, de Groot E, Pérez L, Mendez MA, Bouso L, Targa J, Ramos R, Sala J, Marrugat J, Elosua R, Künzli N
The association between air pollution and subclinical atherosclerosis: Rivera et al. respond.
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Ganesh SK, Chasman DI, Larson MG, Guo X, Verwoert G, Bis JC, Gu X, Smith AV, Yang ML, Zhang Y, Ehret G, Rose LM, Hwang SJ, Papanicolau GJ, Sijbrands EJ, Rice K, Eiriksdottir G, Pihur V, Ridker PM, Vasan RS, Newton-Cheh C, Raffel LJ, Amin N, Rotter JI, Liu K, Launer LJ, Xu M, Caulfield M, Morrison AC, Johnson AD, Vaidya D, Dehghan A, Li G, Bouchard C, Harris TB, Zhang H, Boerwinkle E, Siscovick DS, Gao W, Uitterlinden AG, Rivadeneira F, Hofman A, Willer CJ, Franco OH, Huo Y, Witteman JC, Munroe PB, Gudnason V, Palmas W, van Duijn C, Fornage M, Levy D, Psaty BM, Chakravarti A
Effects of long-term averaging of quantitative blood pressure traits on the detection of genetic associations.
Am. J. Hum. Genet. 2014; 95: 49-65
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Sayols-Baixeras S, Lluís-Ganella C, Lucas G, Elosua R
Pathogenesis of coronary artery disease: focus on genetic risk factors and identification of genetic variants.
Appl Clin Genet 2014; 7: 15-32
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Fuks KB, Weinmayr G, Foraster M, Dratva J, Hampel R, Houthuijs D, Oftedal B, Oudin A, Panasevich S, Penell J, Sommar JN, Sørensen M, Tiittanen P, Wolf K, Xun WW, Aguilera I, Basagaña X, Beelen R, Bots ML, Brunekreef B, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Caracciolo B, Cirach M, de Faire U, de Nazelle A, Eeftens M, Elosua R, Erbel R, Forsberg B, Fratiglioni L, Gaspoz JM, Hilding A, Jula A, Korek M, Krämer U, Künzli N, Lanki T, Leander K, Magnusson PK, Marrugat J, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Ostenson CG, Pedersen NL, Pershagen G, Phuleria HC, Probst-Hensch NM, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Schaffner E, Schikowski T, Schindler C, Schwarze PE, Søgaard AJ, Sugiri D, Swart WJ, Tsai MY, Turunen AW, Vineis P, Peters A, Hoffmann B
Arterial blood pressure and long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution: an analysis in the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE).
Environ. Health Perspect. 2014; 122: 896-905
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Ferrán A, Alegret JM, Subirana I, Aragonès G, Lluís-Ganella C, Romero-Menor C, Planas F, Joven J, Elosua R
Association Between rs2200733 and rs7193343 Genetic Variants and Atrial Fibrillation in a Spanish Population, and Meta-analysis of Previous Studies.
Rev Esp Cardiol 2014; :
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Stitziel NO, Won HH, Morrison AC, Peloso GM, Do R, Lange LA, Fontanillas P, Gupta N, Duga S, Goel A, Farrall M, Saleheen D, Ferrario P, König I, Asselta R, Merlini PA, Marziliano N, Notarangelo MF, Schick U, Auer P, Assimes TL, Reilly M, Wilensky R, Rader DJ, Hovingh GK, Meitinger T, Kessler T, Kastrati A, Laugwitz KL, Siscovick D, Rotter JI, Hazen SL, Tracy R, Cresci S, Spertus J, Jackson R, Schwartz SM, Natarajan P, Crosby J, Muzny D, Ballantyne C, Rich SS, O'Donnell CJ, Abecasis G, Sunyaev S, Nickerson DA, Buring JE, Ridker PM, Chasman DI, Austin E, Ye Z, Kullo IJ, Weeke PE, Shaffer CM, Bastarache LA, Denny JC, Roden DM, Palmer C, Deloukas P, Lin DY, Tang ZZ, Erdmann J, Schunkert H, Danesh J, Marrugat J, Elosua R, Ardissino D, McPherson R, Watkins H, Reiner AP, Wilson JG, Altshuler D, Gibbs RA, Lander ES, Boerwinkle E, Gabriel S, Kathiresan S
Inactivating mutations in NPC1L1 and protection from coronary heart disease.
N. Engl. J. Med. 2014; 371: 2072-82
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Marti-Soler H, Gubelmann C, Aeschbacher S, Alves L, Bobak M, Bongard V, Clays E, de Gaetano G, Di Castelnuovo A, Elosua R, Ferrières J, Guessous I, Igland J, Jørgensen T, Nikitin Y, O'Doherty MG, Palmieri L, Ramos R, Simons J, Sulo G, Vanuzzo D, Vila J, Barros H, Borglykke A, Conen D, De Bacquer D, Donfrancesco C, Gaspoz JM, Giampaoli S, Giles GG, Iacoviello L, Kee F, Kubinova R, Malyutina S, Marrugat J, Prescott E, Ruidavets JB, Scragg R, Simons LA, Tamosiunas A, Tell GS, Vollenweider P, Marques-Vidal P
Seasonality of cardiovascular risk factors: an analysis including over 230 000 participants in 15 countries.
Heart 2014; 100: 1517-23
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Foraster M, Künzli N, Aguilera I, Rivera M, Agis D, Vila J, Bouso L, Deltell A, Marrugat J, Ramos R, Sunyer J, Elosua R, Basagaña X
High blood pressure and long-term exposure to indoor noise and air pollution from road traffic.
Environ. Health Perspect. 2014; 122: 1193-200
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Grau M, Subirana I, Vila J, Elosua R, Ramos R, Sala J, Dégano IR, Tresserras R, Bielsa O, Marrugat J
Validation of a population coronary disease predictive system: the CASSANDRA model.
J Epidemiol Community Health 2014; 68: 1012-9
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Simino J, Shi G, Bis JC, Chasman DI, Ehret GB, Gu X, Guo X, Hwang SJ, Sijbrands E, Smith AV, Verwoert GC, Bragg-Gresham JL, Cadby G, Chen P, Cheng CY, Corre T, de Boer RA, Goel A, Johnson T, Khor CC, Lluís-Ganella C, Luan J, Lyytikäinen LP, Nolte IM, Sim X, Sõber S, van der Most PJ, Verweij N, Zhao JH, Amin N, Boerwinkle E, Bouchard C, Dehghan A, Eiriksdottir G, Elosua R, Franco OH, Gieger C, Harris TB, Hercberg S, Hofman A, James AL, Johnson AD, Kähönen M, Khaw KT, Kutalik Z, Larson MG, Launer LJ, Li G, Liu J, Liu K, Morrison AC, Navis G, Ong RT, Papanicolau GJ, Penninx BW, Psaty BM, Raffel LJ, Raitakari OT, Rice K, Rivadeneira F, Rose LM, Sanna S, Scott RA, Siscovick DS, Stolk RP, Uitterlinden AG, Vaidya D, van der Klauw MM, Vasan RS, Vithana EN, Völker U, Völzke H, Watkins H, Young TL, Aung T, Bochud M, Farrall M, Hartman CA, Laan M, Lakatta EG, Lehtimäki T, Loos RJ, Lucas G, Meneton P, Palmer LJ, Rettig R, Snieder H, Tai ES, Teo YY, van der Harst P, Wareham NJ, Wijmenga C, Wong TY, Fornage M, Gudnason V, Levy D, Palmas W, Ridker PM, Rotter JI, van Duijn CM, Witteman JC, Chakravarti A, Rao DC
Gene-age interactions in blood pressure regulation: a large-scale investigation with the CHARGE, Global BPgen, and ICBP Consortia.
Am. J. Hum. Genet. 2014; 95: 24-38
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Marrugat J
Can cardiovascular prevention be modernized?
Rev Clin Esp 2014; 214: 253-255
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Fernández-Bergés D, Consuegra-Sanchez L, Peñafiel J, Cabrera de León A, Vila J, Félix-Redondo FJ, Segura-Fragoso A, Lapetra J, Guembe MJ, Vega T, Fitó M, Elosua R, Díaz O, Marrugat J
Metabolic and inflammatory profiles of biomarkers in obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes in a Mediterranean population. DARIOS Inflammatory study.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2014; 67: 624-31
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Roquer J, Rodríguez-Campello A, Cuadrado-Godia E, Giralt-Steinhauer E, Jiménez-Conde J, Dégano IR, Ois A
Ischemic stroke in prediabetic patients.
J. Neurol. 2014; 261: 1866-70
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André R, Bongard V, Elosua R, Kirchberger I, Farmakis D, Häkkinen U, Fusco D, Torre M, Garel P, Araújo C, Meisinger C, Lekakis J, Malmivaara A, Dovali M, Pereira M, Marrugat J, Ferrières J
International differences in acute coronary syndrome patients' baseline characteristics, clinical management and outcomes in Western Europe: the EURHOBOP study.
Heart 2014; 100: 1201-7
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Gómez M, Molina L, Bruguera J, Sala J, Masiá R, Muñoz-Aguayo D, Tomás M, Heredia S, Blanchart G, Gaixas S, Vila J, Fitó M
Oxidized low-density lipoprotein antibodies in myocardial infarction patients without classical risk factors.
J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2014; 15: 417-22
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García-García C, Molina L, Subirana I, Sala J, Bruguera J, Arós F, Fiol M, Serra J, Marrugat J, Elosua R
Sex-based differences in clinical features, management, and 28-day and 7-year prognosis of first acute myocardial infarction. RESCATE II study.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2014; 67: 28-35
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Estruch R, Ros E, Salas-Salvadó J, Covas MI, Corella D, Arós F, Gómez-Gracia E, Ruiz-Gutierrez V, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Lamuela-Raventos RM, Serra-Majem L, Pinto X, Basora J, Muñoz MA, Sorlí JV, Martínez JA, Martínez-González MA
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean diet.
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Rovira MA, Grau M, Castañer O, Covas MI, Schröder H
Dietary supplement use and health-related behaviors in a Mediterranean population.
J Nutr Educ Behav 2013; 45: 386-91
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Marrugat J, Vila J, Elosua R
Is it appropriate to compare the results from two clinical trials with one drug in common?
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2013; 66: 151-3
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Dégano IR, Elosua R, Kaski JC, Fernandez-Berges DJ, Grau M, Marrugat J
Plaque stability and the southern European paradox.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2013; 66: 56-62
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Elosua R, Redondo A, Segura A, Fiol M, Aldasoro E, Vega G, Forteza J, Martí H, Arteagoitia JM, Marrugat J
Dose-response association of physical activity with acute myocardial infarction: do amount and intensity matter?
Prev Med 2013; 57: 567-72
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Marrugat J, Vila J, Elosua R
Evaluation of comparative treatment effects using indirect comparisons. Response.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2013; 66: 157
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Rivera M, Basagaña X, Aguilera I, Foraster M, Agis D, de Groot E, Pérez L, Mendez MA, Bouso L, Targa J, Ramos R, Sala J, Marrugat J, Elosua R, Künzli N
Association between long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and subclinical atherosclerosis: the REGICOR study.
Environ. Health Perspect. 2013; 121: 223-30
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Sim X, Jensen RA, Ikram MK, Cotch MF, Li X, Macgregor S, Xie J, Smith AV, Boerwinkle E, Mitchell P, Klein R, Klein BE, Glazer NL, Lumley T, McKnight B, Psaty BM, de Jong PT, Hofman A, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, van Duijn CM, Aspelund T, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB, Jonasson F, Launer LJ, Attia J, Baird PN, Harrap S, Holliday EG, Inouye M, Rochtchina E, Scott RJ, Viswanathan A, Li G, Smith NL, Wiggins KL, Kuo JZ, Taylor KD, Hewitt AW, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Sun C, Young TL, Mackey DA, van Zuydam NR, Doney AS, Palmer CN, Morris AD, Rotter JI, Tai ES, Gudnason V, Vingerling JR, Siscovick DS, Wang JJ, Wong TY
Genetic loci for retinal arteriolar microcirculation.
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Grau M, Barr RG, Lima JA, Hoffman EA, Bluemke DA, Carr JJ, Chahal H, Enright PL, Jain A, Prince MR, Kawut SM
Percent emphysema and right ventricular structure and function: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis-Lung and Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis-Right Ventricle Studies.
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Bosch X, Marrugat J, Sanchis J
Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa blockers during percutaneous coronary intervention and as the initial medical treatment of non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes.
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Grau M, Subirana I, Marrugat J, Elosua R
Percentiles of carotid intima-media thickness in a Spanish population with and without cardiovascular risk factors.
Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2013; 66: 749-51
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International differences in treatment effect: do they really exist and why?
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Grau M, Baena-Diez JM, Félix-Redondo FJ, Fernández-Bergés D, Comas-Cufí M, Forès R, Marrugat J, Ramos R
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Grau M, Subirana I, Agis D, Ramos R, Basagaña X, Martí R, de Groot E, Arnold RJ, Marrugat J, Künzli N, Elosua R
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García-García C, Sanz G, Valle V, Molina L, Sala J, Subirana I, Martí H, Marrugat J, Bruguera J, Masiá R, Elosua R
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Lluís-Ganella C, Lucas G, Subirana I, Escurriol V, Tomás M, Sentí M, Sala J, Marrugat J, Elosua R
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Tomás M, Vázquez E, Fernández-Fernández JM, Subirana I, Plata C, Heras M, Vila J, Marrugat J, Valverde MA, Sentí M
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Guxens M, Tomás M, Elosua R, Aldasoro E, Segura A, Fiol M, Sala J, Vila J, Fullana M, Sentí M, Vega G, de la Rica M, Marrugat J
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Merino J, Planas A, De Moner A, Gasol A, Contreras C, Marrugat J, Vidal-Barraquer F, Clarà A
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Grau M, Subirana I, Elosua R, Solanas P, Ramos R, Masiá R, Cordón F, Sala J, Juvinyà D, Cerezo C, Fitó M, Vila J, Covas MI, Marrugat J
Trends in cardiovascular risk factor prevalence (1995-2000-2005) in northeastern Spain.
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Fitó M, Guxens M, Corella D, Sáez G, Estruch R, de la Torre R, Francés F, Cabezas C, López-Sabater Mdel C, Marrugat J, García-Arellano A, Arós F, Ruiz-Gutierrez V, Ros E, Salas-Salvadó J, Fiol M, Solá R, Covas MI
Effect of a traditional Mediterranean diet on lipoprotein oxidation: a randomized controlled trial.
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Marrugat J, Subirana I, Comín E, Cabezas C, Vila J, Elosua R, Nam BH, Ramos R, Sala J, Solanas P, Cordón F, Gené-Badía J, D'Agostino RB
Validity of an adaptation of the Framingham cardiovascular risk function: the VERIFICA Study.
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Aldasoro E, Calvo M, Esnaola S, Hurtado de Saracho I, Alonso E, Audicana C, Arós F, Lekuona I, Arteagoitia JM, Basterretxea M, Marrugat J
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Elosua R, Vega G, Rohlfs I, Aldasoro E, Navarro C, Cabadés A, Demissie S, Segura A, Fiol M, Moreno-Iribas C, Echanove I, Tormo MJ, Arteagoitia JM, Sala J, Marrugat J
Smoking and myocardial infarction case-fatality: hospital and population approach.
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Comín E, Solanas P, Cabezas C, Subirana I, Ramos R, Gené-Badía J, Cordón F, Grau M, Cabré-Vila JJ, Marrugat J
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Munoz MA, Vila J, Cabañero M, Rebato C, Subirana I, Sala J, Marrugat J
Efficacy of an intensive prevention program in coronary patients in primary care, a randomised clinical trial.
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Schröder H, Morales-Molina JA, Bermejo S, Barral D, Mándoli ES, Grau M, Guxens M, de Jaime Gil E, Alvarez MD, Marrugat J
Relationship of abdominal obesity with alcohol consumption at population scale.
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Schröder H, Elosua R, Vila J, Martí H, Covas MI, Marrugat J
Secular trends of obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in a Mediterranean population.
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Machowetz A, Poulsen HE, Gruendel S, Weimann A, Fitó M, Marrugat J, de la Torre R, Salonen JT, Nyyssönen K, Mursu J, Nascetti S, Gaddi A, Kiesewetter H, Bäumler H, Selmi H, Kaikkonen J, Zunft HJ, Covas MI, Koebnick C
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Schröder H, Masabeu A, Marti MJ, Cols M, Lisbona JM, Romagosa C, Carión T, Vilert E, Marrugat J
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Gil M, Martí H, Elosua R, Grau M, Sala J, Masiá R, Pérez G, Roset P, Bielsa O, Vila J, Marrugat J
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Marrugat J, Arboix A, García-Eroles L, Salas T, Vila J, Castell C, Tresserras R, Elosua R
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Grau M, Guxens M, Subirana I, Fitó M, Covas MI, Jacquemin B, Sunyer J, Lanki T, Picciotto S, Bellander T, Katsouyanni K, Schneider A, Peters A, Marrugat J
South-to-North gradient in lipid peroxidation in men with stable coronary artery disease in Europe.
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Covas MI, Nyyssönen K, Poulsen HE, Kaikkonen J, Zunft HJ, Kiesewetter H, Gaddi A, de la Torre R, Mursu J, Bäumler H, Nascetti S, Salonen JT, Fitó M, Virtanen J, Marrugat J
The effect of polyphenols in olive oil on heart disease risk factors: a randomized trial.
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Schröder H, Marrugat J, Fitó M, Weinbrenner T, Covas MI
Alcohol consumption is directly associated with circulating oxidized low-density lipoprotein.
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Arquer A, Elosua R, Covas MI, Molina L, Marrugat J
Amount and intensity of physical activity, fitness, and serum lipids in pre-menopausal women.
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Weinbrenner T, Schröder H, Escurriol V, Fitó M, Elosua R, Vila J, Marrugat J, Covas MI
Circulating oxidized LDL is associated with increased waist circumference independent of body mass index in men and women.
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Schröder H, Marrugat J, Covas MI
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Elosua R, Arquer A, Mont L, Sambola A, Molina L, García-Morán E, Brugada J, Marrugat J
Sport practice and the risk of lone atrial fibrillation: a case-control study.
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Heras M, Marrugat J, Arós F, Bosch X, Enero J, Suárez MA, Pabón P, Ancillo P, Loma-Osorio A, Rodríguez JJ, Subirana I, Vila J
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Manresa JM, Zamora A, Tomás M, Sentí M, Fitó M, Covas MI, Alcántara M, Latorre G, Escurriol V, Domingues S, Marrugat J
Relationship of classical and non-classical risk factors with genetic variants relevant to coronary heart disease.
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2006; 13: 738-44
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Munoz MA, Rohlfs I, Masuet S, Rebato C, Cabañero M, Marrugat J
Analysis of inequalities in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in a universal coverage health care system.
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Arós F, Loma-Osorio A, Vila J, López-Bescós L, Cuñat J, Rodríguez E, San José JM, Heras M, Marrugat J
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Heras M, Bueno H, Bardají A, Fernández-Ortiz A, Martí H, Marrugat J
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Schröder H, Ferrández O, Jimenez Conde J, Sánchez-Font A, Marrugat J
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Munoz MA, Manresa JM, Espinasa J, Marrugat J
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Fitó M, Cladellas M, de la Torre R, Martí J, Alcántara M, Pujadas-Bastardes M, Marrugat J, Bruguera J, López-Sabater MC, Vila J, Covas MI
Antioxidant effect of virgin olive oil in patients with stable coronary heart disease: a randomized, crossover, controlled, clinical trial.
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Sentí M, Fernández-Fernández JM, Tomás M, Vázquez E, Elosua R, Marrugat J, Valverde MA
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García M, Rohlfs I, Vila J, Sala J, Pena A, Masiá R, Marrugat J
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Martí H, Pérez-Bárcena J, Fiol M, Marrugat J, Navarro C, Aldasoro E, Cabadés A, Segura A, Masiá R, Turumbay J, Cirera L, Arteagoitia JM, Tomás CA, Vega G, Sala J, de Los Arcos E, Tormo MJ, Hurtado-de-Saracho I, Francés-Sempere M, Elosua R
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Ramos R, Marrugat J, Basagaña X, Sala J, Masiá R, Elosua R
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Marrugat J, García M, Elosua R, Aldasoro E, Tormo MJ, Zurriaga O, Arós F, Masiá R, Sanz G, Valle V, López De Sá E, Sala J, Segura A, Rubert C, Moreno C, Cabadés A, Molina L, López-Sendón JL, Gil M
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Weinbrenner T, Fitó M, de la Torre R, Saez GT, Rijken P, Tormos C, Coolen S, Albaladejo MF, Abanades S, Schröder H, Marrugat J, Covas MI
Olive oils high in phenolic compounds modulate oxidative/antioxidative status in men.
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Schröder H, Marrugat J, Vila J, Covas MI, Elosua R
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Schröder H, Marrugat J, Covas M, Elosua R, Pena A, Weinbrenner T, Fitó M, Vidal MA, Masiá R
Population dietary habits and physical activity modification with age.
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Fernández-Fernández JM, Tomás M, Vázquez E, Orio P, Latorre R, Sentí M, Marrugat J, Valverde MA
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Marrugat J, Covas MI, Fitó M, Schröder H, Miró-Casas E, Gimeno E, López-Sabater MC, de la Torre R, Farré M
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Marrugat J, Sala J, Manresa JM, Gil M, Elosua R, Pérez G, Albert X, Pena A, Masiá R
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Marrugat J, Elosua R, Aldasoro E, Tormo MJ, Vanaclocha H, Segura A, Fiol M, Moreno-Iribas C, Pérez G, Arteagoitia JM, Cirera L, Cabadés A, Vega G, Ayestarán JI, García V, Hurtado-de-Saracho I, García J, Zurriaga O, Muñiz J, Sala J
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Schröder H, Rohlfs I, Schmelz EM, Marrugat J
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Alvarez-León EE, Elosua R, Zamora A, Aldasoro E, Galcerá J, Vanaclocha H, Segura A, Fiol M, Turumbay J, Pérez G, Arteagoitia JM, Tormo MJ, Cabadés A, Vega G, Ayestarán JI, García V, Hurtado-de-Saracho I, Navarro C, Zurriaga O, Muñiz J, Sala J, Marrugat J
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Ibàñez-Nolla J, Nolla-Salas M, León MA, García F, Marrugat J, Soria G, Díaz RM, Torres-Rodríguez JM
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García J, Elosua R, Tormo Díaz MJ, Audicana Uriarte C, Zurriaga O, Segura A, Fiol M, Moreno-Iribas C, Alonso E, Bosch S, Vega G, Sala J, Marrugat J
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Ramos R, Solanas P, Cordón F, Rohlfs I, Elosua R, Sala J, Masiá R, Faixedas MT, Marrugat J
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Marrugat J, Solanas P, D'Agostino R, Sullivan L, Ordovas J, Cordón F, Ramos R, Sala J, Masiá R, Rohlfs I, Elosua R, Kannel WB
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Marrugat J, D'Agostino R, Sullivan L, Elosua R, Wilson P, Ordovas J, Solanas P, Cordón F, Ramos R, Sala J, Masiá R, Kannel WB
An adaptation of the Framingham coronary heart disease risk function to European Mediterranean areas.
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Sentí M, Tomás M, Fitó M, Weinbrenner T, Covas MI, Sala J, Masiá R, Marrugat J
Antioxidant paraoxonase 1 activity in the metabolic syndrome.
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Arós F, Cuñat J, Loma-Osorio A, Torrado E, Bosch X, Rodríguez JJ, López Bescós L, Ancillo P, Pabón P, Heras M, Marrugat J
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Weinbrenner T, Cladellas M, Isabel Covas M, Fitó M, Tomás M, Sentí M, Bruguera J, Marrugat J
High oxidative stress in patients with stable coronary heart disease.
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Schröder H, Elosua R, Marrugat J
The relationship of physical activity with dietary cancer-protective nutrients and cancer-related biological and lifestyle factors.
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Senti; M, Tomás M, Anglada R, Elosua R, Marrugat J, Covas MI, Fitó M
Interrelationship of smoking, paraoxonase activity, and leisure time physical activity: a population-based study.
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Elosua R, Molina L, Fitó M, Arquer A, Sanchez-Quesada JL, Covas MI, Ordoñez-Llanos J, Marrugat J
Response of oxidative stress biomarkers to a 16-week aerobic physical activity program, and to acute physical activity, in healthy young men and women.
Atherosclerosis 2003; 167: 327-34
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Schröder H, Marrugat J, Elosua R, Covas MI
Relationship between body mass index, serum cholesterol, leisure-time physical activity, and diet in a Mediterranean Southern-Europe population.
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Long-lasting sport practice and lone atrial fibrillation.
Eur. Heart J. 2002; 23: 477-82
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