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Manresa JM, Tomás M, Ribes E, Pi-Figueras M, Aguilera A, Sentí M, Marrugat J

[Paraoxonase 1 gene 192 polymorphism, physical activity and lipoprotein in women].

Med Clin (Barc). 2004 Feb;122(4):126-9, PMID: 14967092

Regular physical activity is associated with an increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), whose antioxidant and protective effect for coronary artery disease is well known. Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is an enzyme related with the antioxidant activity of HDL. The PON1 gene has several genetic polymorphisms; one of them locates in codon 192, whose alleles Q and R are associated with low and high PON1-activity, respectively. The objective of this study was to determine whether physical activity has different effects on the lipid profile in women depending on the PON1-192 genotype.


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