

Showing 946-960 from 1626 publications.

  • Newton-Cheh C, Johnson T, Gateva V, Tobin MD, Bochud M, Coin L, Najjar SS, Zhao JH, Heath SC, Eyheramendy S, Papadakis K, Voight BF, Scott LJ, Zhang F, Farrall M, Tanaka T, Wallace C, Chambers JC, Khaw KT, Nilsson P, van der Harst P, Polidoro S, Grobbee DE, Onland-Moret NC, Bots ML, Wain LV, Elliott KS, Teumer A, Luan J, Lucas G, Kuusisto J, Burton PR, Hadley D, McArdle WL, Brown M, Dominiczak A, Newhouse SJ, Samani NJ, Webster J, Zeggini E, Beckmann JS, Bergmann S, Lim N, Song K, Vollenweider P, Waeber G, Waterworth DM, Yuan X, Groop L, Orho-Melander M, Allione A, Di Gregorio A, Guarrera S, Panico S, Ricceri F, Romanazzi V, Sacerdote C, Vineis P, Barroso I, Sandhu MS, Luben RN, Crawford GJ, Jousilahti P, Perola M, Boehnke M, Bonnycastle LL, Collins FS, Jackson AU, Mohlke KL, Stringham HM, Valle TT, Willer CJ, Bergman RN, Morken MA, Döring A, Gieger C, Illig T, Meitinger T, Org E, Pfeufer A, Wichmann HE, Kathiresan S, Marrugat J, O'Donnell CJ, Schwartz SM, Siscovick DS, Subirana I, Freimer NB, Hartikainen AL, McCarthy MI, O'Reilly PF, Peltonen L, Pouta A, de Jong PE, Snieder H, van Gilst WH, Clarke R, Goel A, Hamsten A, Peden JF, Seedorf U, Syvänen AC, Tognoni G, Lakatta EG, Sanna S, Scheet P, Schlessinger D, Scuteri A, Dörr M, Ernst F, Felix SB, Homuth G, Lorbeer R, Reffelmann T, Rettig R, Völker U, Galan P, Gut IG, Hercberg S, Lathrop GM, Zelenika D, Deloukas P, Soranzo N, Williams FM, Zhai G, Salomaa V, Laakso M, Elosua R, Forouhi NG, Völzke H, Uiterwaal CS, van der Schouw YT, Numans ME, Matullo G, Navis G, Berglund G, Bingham SA, Kooner JS, Connell JM, Bandinelli S, Ferrucci L, Watkins H, Spector TD, Tuomilehto J, Altshuler D, Strachan DP, Laan M, Meneton P, Wareham NJ, Uda M, Jarvelin MR, Mooser V, Melander O, Loos RJ, Elliott P, Abecasis GR, Caulfield M, Munroe PB. Genome-wide association study identifies eight loci associated with blood pressure. Nat. Genet. 2009 Jun; 41(6): 666-76

    IF: 34.284, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Wann LS, Curtis AB, January CT, Ellenbogen KA, Lowe JE, Estes NA, Page RL, Ezekowitz MD, Slotwiner DJ, Jackman WM, Stevenson WG, Tracy CM, Fuster V, Rydén LE, Cannom DS, Le Heuzey JY, Crijns HJ, Olsson SB, Olsson S, Prystowsky EN, Halperin JL, Tamargo JL, Kay GN, Jacobs AK, Anderson JL, Albert N, Hochman JS, Buller CE, Kushner FG, Creager MA, Ohman EM, Ettinger SM, Guyton RA, Tarkington LG, Yancy CW. 2011 ACCF/AHA/HRS focused update on the management of patients with atrial fibrillation (Updating the 2006 Guideline): a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Heart Rhythm 2011 Jan; 8(1): 157-76

    IF: 4.559, Quartile: 1

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  • Foraster M, Deltell A, Basagaña X, Medina-Ramón M, Aguilera I, Bouso L, Grau M, Phuleria HC, Rivera M, Slama R, Sunyer J, Targa J, Künzli N. Local determinants of road traffic noise levels versus determinants of air pollution levels in a Mediterranean city. Environ. Res. 2011 Jan; 111(1): 177-83

    IF: 3.5, Quartile: 1

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  • Ramos R, Baena-Diez JM, Quesada M, Solanas P, Subirana I, Sala J, Alzamora M, Forès R, Masiá R, Elosua R, Grau M, Cordón F, Pera G, Rigo F, Martí R, Ponjoan A, Cerezo C, Brugada R, Marrugat J. Derivation and validation of REASON: a risk score identifying candidates to screen for peripheral arterial disease using ankle brachial index. Atherosclerosis 2011 Feb; 214(2): 474-9

    IF: 4.086, Quartile: 1

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  • Abu-Assi E, Ferreira-González I, Ribera A, Marsal JR, Cascant P, Heras M, Bueno H, Sánchez PL, Arós F, Marrugat J, García-Dorado D, Peña-Gil C, González-Juanatey JR, Permanyer-Miralda G. "Do GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary events) risk scores still maintain their performance for predicting mortality in the era of contemporary management of acute coronary syndromes?". Am. Heart J. 2010 Nov; 160(5): 826-834.e1-3

    IF: 4.357, Quartile: 1

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  • Tàssies D, Roqué M, Monteagudo J, Martorell T, Sionis A, Arzamendi D, Heras M, Reverter JC. Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor genetic polymorphisms as markers of the type of acute coronary syndrome. Thromb. Res. 2009 Nov; 124(5): 614-8

    IF: 2.406, Quartile: 3

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  • Thompson BB, Béjot Y, Caso V, Castillo J, Christensen H, Flaherty ML, Foerch C, Ghandehari K, Giroud M, Greenberg SM, Hallevi H, Hemphill JC, Heuschmann P, Juvela S, Kimura K, Myint PK, Nagakane Y, Naritomi H, Passero S, Rodríguez-Yáñez MR, Roquer J, Rosand J, Rost NS, Saloheimo P, Salomaa V, Sivenius J, Sorimachi T, Togha M, Toyoda K, Turaj W, Vemmos KN, Wolfe CD, Woo D, Smith EE. Prior antiplatelet therapy and outcome following intracerebral hemorrhage: a systematic review. Neurology 2010 Oct; 75(15): 1333-42

    IF: 8.172, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Moreso F, Calvo N, Pascual J, Anaya F, Jiménez C, Del Castillo D, Sánchez-Plumed J, Serón D. Early statin use is an independent predictor of long-term graft survival. NDT Plus 2010 Jun; 3: ii26-ii31

    IF: 0

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  • Oliveras A, Armario P, Hernández-Del Rey R, Arroyo JA, Poch E, Larrousse M, Roca-Cusachs A, de la Sierra A. Urinary albumin excretion is associated with true resistant hypertension. J Hum Hypertens 2010 Jan; 24(1): 27-33

    IF: 2.289, Quartile: 2

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  • Tomás M, Napolitano C, De Giuli L, Bloise R, Subirana I, Malovini A, Bellazzi R, Arking DE, Marban E, Chakravarti A, Spooner PM, Priori SG. Polymorphisms in the NOS1AP gene modulate QT interval duration and risk of arrhythmias in the long QT syndrome. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2010 Jun; 55(24): 2745-52

    IF: 14.293, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Biffi A, Sonni A, Anderson CD, Kissela B, Jagiella JM, Schmidt H, Jiménez-Conde J, Hansen BM, Fernandez-Cadenas I, Cortellini L, Ayres A, Schwab K, Juchniewicz K, Urbanik A, Rost NS, Viswanathan A, Seifert-Held T, Stoegerer EM, Tomás M, Rabionet R, Estivill X, Brown DL, Silliman SL, Selim M, Worrall BB, Meschia JF, Montaner J, Lindgren A, Roquer J, Schmidt R, Greenberg SM, Slowik A, Broderick JP, Woo D, Rosand J. Variants at APOE influence risk of deep and lobar intracerebral hemorrhage. Ann. Neurol. 2010 Dec; 68(6): 934-43

    IF: 9.317, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Tamargo J, Caballero R, Gómez R, Delpón E. Cardiac electrophysiological effects of nitric oxide. Cardiovasc. Res. 2010 Sep; 87(4): 593-600

    IF: 5.801, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Burashnikov E, Pfeiffer R, Barajas-Martinez H, Delpón E, Hu D, Desai M, Borggrefe M, Häissaguerre M, Kanter R, Pollevick GD, Guerchicoff A, Laiño R, Marieb M, Nademanee K, Nam GB, Robles R, Schimpf R, Stapleton DD, Stapleton DH, Viskin S, Winters S, Wolpert C, Zimmern S, Veltmann C, Antzelevitch C. Mutations in the cardiac L-type calcium channel associated with inherited J-wave syndromes and sudden cardiac death. Heart Rhythm 2010 Dec; 7(12): 1872-82

    IF: 4.559, Quartile: 1

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  • Garcia-Alvarez A, Sitges M, Pinazo MJ, Regueiro-Cueva A, Posada E, Poyatos S, Ortiz-Pérez JT, Heras M, Azqueta M, Gascon J, Sanz G. Chagas cardiomyopathy: the potential of diastolic dysfunction and brain natriuretic peptide in the early identification of cardiac damage. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2010; 4(9)

    IF: 4.693, Quartile: 1

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  • Marrugat J, Sala J, Elosua R, Ramos R, Baena-Diez JM. [Cardiovascular prevention: current progress and the long road to travel]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2010 Jun; 63 Suppl 2: 49-54

    IF: 2.746, Quartile: 2

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