

Showing 991-1005 from 1626 publications.

  • Husser O, Bodí V, Sanchis J, Nunez J, Mainar L, Chorro FJ, Lopez-Lereu MP, Monmeneu JV, Chaustre F, Forteza MJ, Trapero I, Dasi F, Benet I, Riegger GA, Llàcer A. White blood cell subtypes after STEMI: temporal evolution, association with cardiovascular magnetic resonance--derived infarct size and impact on outcome. Inflammation 2011 Apr; 34(2): 73-84

    IF: 1.642, Quartile: 4

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  • Miñana G, Núñez J, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Núñez E, Llàcer A. CA125 and immunoinflammatory activity in acute heart failure. Int. J. Cardiol. 2010 Dec; 145(3): 547-8

    IF: 3.469, Quartile: 2

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  • Sanchis J, Bodí V, Núñez J, Núñez E, Bosch X, Pellicer M, Heras M, Bardají A, Marrugat J, Llàcer A. Identification of very low risk chest pain using clinical data in the emergency department. Int. J. Cardiol. 2011 Aug; 150(3): 260-3

    IF: 6.802, Quartile: 3

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  • Husser O, Bodí V, Sanchis J, Nunez J, Mainar L, Merlos P, Lopez-Lereu MP, Monmeneu JV, Chaustre F, Rumiz E, Riegger GA, Chorro FJ, Llàcer A. Head to head comparison of quantitative versus visual analysis of contrast CMR in the setting of myocardial stunning after STEMI: implications on late systolic function and patient outcome. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2010 Jun; 26(5): 559-69

    IF: 2.151, Quartile: 2

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  • Perez de Isla L, Bayés-Genís A, Sanchis J, Heras M. Summary of the clinical studies reported in the Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology (Atlanta, GA. USA, March 14-16, 2010). Rev Esp Cardiol 2010 Jun; 63(6): 695-707

    IF: 2.746, Quartile: 2

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  • Núñez J, Núñez E, Bodí V, Sanchis J, Mainar L, Miñana G, Fácila L, Bertomeu V, Merlos P, Darmofal H, Palau P, Llàcer A. Low lymphocyte count in acute phase of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction predicts long-term recurrent myocardial infarction. Coron. Artery Dis. 2010 Jan; 21(1): 1-7

    IF: 1.527, Quartile: 3

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  • Núñez J, Núñez E, Fonarow GC, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Bertomeu-González V, Miñana G, Merlos P, Bertomeu-Martínez V, Redon J, Chorro FJ, Llàcer A. Differential prognostic effect of systolic blood pressure on mortality according to left-ventricular function in patients with acute heart failure. Eur. J. Heart Fail. 2010 Jan; 12(1): 38-44

    IF: 3.706, Quartile: 1

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  • Bodí V, Sanchis J, Núñez J, Rumiza E, Mainar L, Lopez-Lereu MP, Monmeneu JV, Oltra R, Forteza MJ, Chorro FJ, Llàcer A. Post-reperfusion lymphopenia and microvascular obstruction in ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction. Rev Esp Cardiol 2009 Oct; 62(10): 1109-17

    IF: 2.027, Quartile: 2

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  • Cortell A, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Núñez J, Mainar L, Pellicer M, Miñana G, Santas E, Dominguez E, Palau P, Llàcer A. Non-ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries: predictors and prognosis. Rev Esp Cardiol 2009 Nov; 62(11): 1260-6

    IF: 2.207, Quartile: 2

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  • Núñez J, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Núñez E, Heatta AM, Miñana G, Merlos P, Rumiz E, Palau P, Sanjuán R, Blasco ML, Llàcer A. Therapeutic implications of low lymphocyte count in non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Eur. J. Intern. Med. 2009 Dec; 20(8): 768-74

    IF: 0, Quartile: 3

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  • Bodí V, Sanchis J, Nunez J, Aliño SF, Herrero MJ, Chorro FJ, Mainar L, Lopez-Lereu MP, Monmeneu JV, Oltra R, Chaustre F, Forteza MJ, Husser O, Riegger GA, Llàcer A. The DD genotype of the angiotensin converting enzyme gene independently associates with CMR-derived abnormal microvascular perfusion in patients with a first anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with thrombolytic agents. Thromb. Res. 2009 Dec; 124(6): e56-61

    IF: 2.406, Quartile: 3

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  • Husser O, Bodí V, Sanchis J, Nunez J, Mainar L, Rumiz E, Lopez-Lereu MP, Monmeneu JV, Forteza MJ, Oltra R, Riegger GA, Chorro FJ, Llàcer A. Release of necrosis markers and cardiovascular magnetic resonance-derived microvascular perfusion in reperfused ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Thromb. Res. 2009 Nov; 124(5): 592-600

    IF: 2.406, Quartile: 3

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  • Chorro FJ, Guerrero J, Cánoves J, Trapero I, Mainar L, Pelechano F, Blasco E, Such-Miquel L, Ferrero A, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Cerdá JM, Alberola A, Such L. [Changes in the spectral characteristics of ventricular fibrillation in lesions produced by radiofrequency ablation. An experimental study]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2008 Apr; 61(4): 394-403

    IF: 2.88, Quartile: 2

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  • Escaned Barbosa J, Roig Minguell E, Chorro Gascó FJ, De Teresa Galván E, Jiménez Mena M, López de Sá y Areses E, Alfonso Manterola F, Gómez Esmorís L, Martin Burrieza F, Salvador Taboada MJ, Alonso-Pulpón Rivera LA, Anguita Sánchez M, Asín Cardiel E, Bosch Genover X, Castro Beiras A, Cañadas Godoy V, Fernández Avilés F, García Pavía P, Lidón Corbí RM, López Sendón JL, Macaya Miguel C, Masía Martorel R, Murga Eizagaechevarría N, Ortega Marcos J, Permanyer Miralda C, Sales González E, Sanchis Fores J, Sanz Romero G, Tornos Mas P. [The scope of cardiological competence in the new clinical settings. Spanish Society of Cardiology consensus document]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2008 Feb; 61(2): 161-9

    IF: 2.88, Quartile: 2

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  • Chorro FJ, Guerrero J, Pelechano F, Trapero I, Mainar L, Cánoves J, Such-Miquel L, García-Alberola A, Ferrero A, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Alberola A, Such L. [Influence of recording mode (unipolar or bipolar) on the spectral characteristics of epicardial recordings in ventricular fibrillation. An experimental study]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2007 Oct; 60(10): 1059-69

    IF: 0, Quartile: 2

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