

Showing 916-930 from 1626 publications.

  • Arroyo E, Grau C, Ramo-Tello C, Parra J, Sánchez-Soliño O. Adherence to disease-modifying therapies in spanish patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis: two-year interim results of the global adherence project. Eur. Neurol. 2011; 65(2): 59-67

    IF: 1.494, Quartile: 3

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  • Devonshire V, Lapierre Y, Macdonell R, Ramo-Tello C, Patti F, Fontoura P, Suchet L, Hyde R, Balla I, Frohman EM, Kieseier BC. The Global Adherence Project (GAP): a multicenter observational study on adherence to disease-modifying therapies in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Eur. J. Neurol. 2011 Jan; 18(1): 69-77

    IF: 2.51, Quartile: 2

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  • Marrugat J, Vila J, Baena-Diez JM, Grau M, Sala J, Ramos R, Subirana I, Fitó M, Elosua R. [Relative validity of the 10-year cardiovascular risk estimate in a population cohort of the REGICOR study]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 May; 64(5): 385-94

    IF: 2.746, Quartile: 2

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  • de la Sierra A, Segura J, Banegas JR, Gorostidi M, de la Cruz JJ, Armario P, Oliveras A, Ruilope LM. Clinical features of 8295 patients with resistant hypertension classified on the basis of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Hypertension 2011 May; 57(5): 898-902

    IF: 6.614, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Redondo A, Benach J, Subirana I, Martinez JM, Muñoz MA, Masiá R, Ramos R, Sala J, Marrugat J, Elosua R. Trends in the prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of cardiovascular risk factors across educational level in the 1995-2005 period. Ann Epidemiol 2011 Aug; 21(8): 555-63

    IF: 2.947, Quartile: 1

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  • Félix-Redondo FJ, Fernández-Bergés D, Fernando Pérez J, Zaro MJ, García A, Lozano L, Sanz H, Grau M, Alvarez-Palacios P, Tejero V. [Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of cardiovascular risk factors in the Extremadura population (Spain). HERMEX study]. Aten Primaria 2011 Aug; 43(8): 426-34

    IF: 0, Quartile: 4

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  • Künzli N, Pérez L, von Klot S, Baldassarre D, Bauer M, Basagana X, Breton C, Dratva J, Elosua R, de Faire U, Fuks K, de Groot E, Marrugat J, Penell J, Seissler J, Peters A, Hoffmann B. Investigating air pollution and atherosclerosis in humans: concepts and outlook. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2011; 53(5): 334-43

    IF: 4.246, Quartile: 1

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  • Jung C, Gené GG, Tomás M, Plata C, Selent J, Pastor M, Fandos C, Sentí M, Lucas G, Elosua R, Valverde MA. A gain-of-function SNP in TRPC4 cation channel protects against myocardial infarction. Cardiovasc. Res. 2011 Aug; 91(3): 465-71

    IF: 5.801, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Grau M, Elosua R, Cabrera de León A, Guembe MJ, Baena-Diez JM, Vega Alonso T, Javier Félix F, Zorrilla B, Rigo F, Lapetra J, Gavrila D, Segura A, Sanz H, Fernández-Bergés D, Fitó M, Marrugat J. [Cardiovascular risk factors in Spain in the first decade of the 21st Century, a pooled analysis with individual data from 11 population-based studies: the DARIOS study]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Apr; 64(4): 295-304

    IF: 0, Quartile: 2

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  • Reilly MP, Li M, He J, Ferguson JF, Stylianou IM, Mehta NN, Burnett MS, Devaney JM, Knouff CW, Thompson JR, Horne BD, Stewart AF, Assimes TL, Wild PS, Allayee H, Nitschke PL, Patel RS, Martinelli N, Girelli D, Quyyumi AA, Anderson JL, Erdmann J, Hall AS, Schunkert H, Quertermous T, Blankenberg S, Hazen SL, Roberts R, Kathiresan S, Samani NJ, Epstein SE, Rader DJ, Elosua R, Lucas G, Marrugat J, Subirana I. Identification of ADAMTS7 as a novel locus for coronary atherosclerosis and association of ABO with myocardial infarction in the presence of coronary atherosclerosis: two genome-wide association studies. Lancet 2011 Jan; 377(9763): 383-92

    IF: 30.758, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Llacuna L, Bárcena C, Bellido-Martín L, Fernández L, Stefanovic M, Marí M, García-Ruiz C, Fernández-Checa JC, García de Frutos P, Morales A. Growth arrest-specific protein 6 is hepatoprotective against murine ischemia/reperfusion injury. Hepatology 2010 Oct; 52(4): 1371-9

    IF: 10, Quartile: 1, Decile: 1

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  • Hurtado B, Abasolo N, Muñoz X, García N, Benavente Y, Rubio F, García de Frutos P, Krupinski J, Sala N. Association study between polymorphims in GAS6-TAM genes and carotid atherosclerosis. Thromb. Haemost. 2010 Sep; 104(3): 592-8

    IF: 4.451, Quartile: 1

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  • Martínez-Zamora MA, Tàssies D, Carmona F, Espinosa G, Cervera R, Reverter JC, Balasch J. Clot lysis time and thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor in severe preeclampsia with or without associated antiphospholipid antibodies. J. Reprod. Immunol. 2010 Nov; 86(2): 133-40

    IF: 2.519, Quartile: 2

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  • Maduell F, Arias M, Fontseré N, Vera M, Massó E, Garro J, Barros X, Martina MN, Elena M, Bergadá E, Cases A, Bedini JL, Campistol JM. What infusion flow should be used for mid-dilution hemodiafiltration? Blood Purif. 2010; 30(1): 25-33

    IF: 1.893, Quartile: 3

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  • Maduell F, Arias M, Garro J, Vera M, Fontseré M, Barros X, Massó E, Martina MN, Sentis A, Durán C, Bergadá E, Cases A, Campistol JM. [Guidelines for automated manual infusion: a practical way of prescribing postdilution on-line hemodiafiltration]. Nefrologia 2010; 30(3): 349-53

    IF: 0, Quartile: 4

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