Kristensen SD, Laut KG, Fajadet J, Kaifoszova Z, Kala P, Di Mario C, Wijns W, Clemmensen P, Agladze V, Antoniades L, Alhabib KF, De Boer MJ, Claeys MJ, Deleanu D, Dudek D, Erglis A, Gilard M, Goktekin O, Guagliumi G, Gudnason T, Hansen KW, Huber K, James S, Janota T, Jennings S, Kajander O, Kanakakis J, Karamfiloff KK, Kedev S, Kornowski R, Ludman PF, Merkely B, Milicic D, Najafov R, Nicolini FA, Noč M, Ostojic M, Pereira H, Radovanovic D, Sabaté M, Sobhy M, Sokolov M, Studencan M, Terzic I, Wahler S, Widimsky P
Eur. Heart J.. 2014 Aug;35(29):1957-70, PMID: 24419804
Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) is the preferred reperfusion therapy in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We conducted this study to evaluate the contemporary status on the use and type of reperfusion therapy in patients admitted with STEMI in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) member countries.