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Alberice JV, Amaral AF, Armitage EG, Lorente JA, Algaba F, Carrilho E, Márquez M, García A, Malats N, Barbas C

Searching for urine biomarkers of bladder cancer recurrence using a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry metabolomics approach.

J Chromatogr A. 2013 Nov;1318:163-70, PMID: 24139504

The incidence and rate of recurrence of bladder cancer is high, particularly in developed countries, however current methods for diagnosis are limited to detecting high-grade tumours using often invasive methods. A panel of biomarkers to characterise tumours of different grades that could also distinguish between patients exhibiting the disease with first incidence or recurrence could be useful for bladder cancer diagnostics. In this study, potential metabolic biomarkers have been discovered through mass spectrometry based metabolomics of urine. Pre-treatment urine samples were collected from 48 patients diagnosed of urothelial bladder cancer. Patients were followed-up through the hospital pathological charts to identify whether and when the disease recurred or progressed. Subsequently, they were classified according to whether or not they suffered a tumour recurrence (recurrent or stable) as well as their risk group according to tumour grade and stage. Identified metabolites have been analysed in terms of disease characteristics (tumour stage and recurrence) and have provided an insight into bladder cancer progression. Using both liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry, a total of 27 metabolite features were highlighted as significantly different between patient groups. Some, for example histidine, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan have been previously linked with bladder cancer, however until now their connection with bladder cancer progression has not been previously reported. The candidate biomarkers revealed in this study could be useful in the clinic for diagnosis of bladder cancer and, through characterising the stage of the disease, could also be useful in prognostics.


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