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Mostrando 781 a 795 de 1626 publicaciones.

  • Heras M, Avanzas P, Bayés-Genís A, Perez de Isla L, Sanchis J. [Current topics in cardiology 2010. Introduction]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011; 64 Suppl 1: 1-2

    IF: 2.53, Cuartil: 2

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  • Roqué M, Sitges M, Sala J, Delgado V, Morales M, Marrugat J, Vila J, Subirana I, Tàssies D, Reverter JC, Castro M, Duran M. [Effects of raloxifene on endothelial function and hemostasis in women with ischemic heart disease]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Jul; 64(7): 572-8

    IF: 2.157, Cuartil: 2

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  • Garcia-Alvarez A, Sitges M, Heras M, Poyatos S, Posada E, Pinazo MJ, Regueiro A, Gascon J, Sanz G. [Endothelial function and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels in patients with Chagas disease living in a nonendemic area]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Oct; 64(10): 891-6

    IF: 2.157, Cuartil: 2

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  • Avanzas P, Bayés-Genís A, Perez de Isla L, Sanchis J, Heras M. [Ethical considerations in the publication of scientific articles]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 May; 64(5): 427-9

    IF: 2.157, Cuartil: 2

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  • Aleixandre Benavent R, Alonso Arroyo A, Anguita Sánchez M, Bolaños Pizarro M, Heras M, González Alcalde G, Macaya Miguel C, Navarro Molina C, Castelló Cogollos L, Valderrama Zurián JC, Chorro Gascó FJ, Bertomeu Martínez V, Salvador Taboada MJ, Plaza Celemín L, Pérez-Villacastín J, Cequier Fillat A, Varela Román A, Laraudogoitia Zaldumbide E, Morell Cabedo S. [Evolution and scientific impact of research grants from the spanish society of cardiology and spanish heart foundation (2000-2006)]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Oct; 64(10): 904-15

    IF: 2.157, Cuartil: 2

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  • Cordero A, Bertomeu-Martínez V, Mazón P, Fácila L, Bertomeu-González V, Cosín J, Galve E, Núñez J, Lekuona I, González-Juanatey JR. [Factors associated with uncontrolled hypertension in patients with and without cardiovascular disease]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Jul; 64(7): 587-93

    IF: 2.53, Cuartil: 2

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  • Falces C, Andrea R, Heras M, Vehí C, Sorribes M, Sanchis L, Cevallos J, Menacho I, Porcar S, Font D, Sabaté M, Brugada J. [Integration between cardiology and primary care: impact on clinical practice]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Jul; 64(7): 564-71

    IF: 2.157, Cuartil: 2

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  • Sanchis J, Avanzas P, Bayés-Genís A, Perez de Isla L, Heras M. [New statistical methods in cardiovascular research]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Jun; 64(6): 499-500

    IF: 2.157, Cuartil: 2

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  • Fernández-Bergés D, Félix-Redondo FJ, Lozano L, Pérez-Castán JF, Sanz H, Cabrera de León A, Hidalgo AB, Morcillo Y, Tejero V, Alvarez-Palacios P. [Prevalence of metabolic syndrome estimated with the new World Health Organization recommendations. The HERMEX study]. Gac Sanit 2011; 25(6): 519-24

    IF: 1.326, Cuartil: 3

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  • Félix-Redondo FJ, Fernández-Bergés D, Fernando Pérez J, Zaro MJ, García A, Lozano L, Sanz H, Grau M, Alvarez-Palacios P, Tejero V. [Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of cardiovascular risk factors in the Extremadura population (Spain). HERMEX study]. Aten Primaria 2011 Aug; 43(8): 426-34

    IF: 0, Cuartil: 4

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  • Arós F, Heras M, Vila J, Sanz H, Ferreira-González I, Permanyer-Miralda G, Cuñat J, López-Bescós L, Cabadés A, Loma-Osorio A, Marrugat J. [Reduction in 28 days and 6 months of acute myocardial infarction mortality from 1995 to 2005. Data from PRIAMHO I, II and MASCARA registries]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Nov; 64(11): 972-80

    IF: 2.157, Cuartil: 2

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  • Núñez E, Steyerberg EW, Núñez J. [Regression modeling strategies]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Jun; 64(6): 501-7

    IF: 2.53, Cuartil: 2

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  • Marrugat J, Vila J, Baena-Diez JM, Grau M, Sala J, Ramos R, Subirana I, Fitó M, Elosua R. [Relative validity of the 10-year cardiovascular risk estimate in a population cohort of the REGICOR study]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 May; 64(5): 385-94

    IF: 2.746, Cuartil: 2

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  • Rubio-Pérez MÁ, Gálvez-Ruiz AL, Sepúlveda-Gázquez M, Planellas-Giné L, Roquer-González J. [Review of the model of vertical gaze control]. Rev Neurol 2011 Oct; 53(8): 477-82

    IF: 1.218, Cuartil: 3

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  • Baena-Diez JM, Félix FJ, Grau M, Cabrera de León A, Sanz H, Leal M, Elosua R, Rodríguez-Pérez MD, Rodríguez-Pérez Mdel C, Guembe MJ, Torán P, Vega-Alonso T, Ortiz H, Pérez-Castán JF, Frontera-Juan G, Lapetra J, Tormo MJ, Segura A, Fernández-Bergés D, Marrugat J. [Risk factor treatment and control in relation to coronary disease risk in the Spanish population of the DARIOS Study]. Rev Esp Cardiol 2011 Sep; 64(9): 766-73

    IF: 2.157, Cuartil: 2

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