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Caballero R, de la Fuente MG, Gómez R, Barana A, Amorós I, Dolz-Gaitón P, Osuna L, Almendral J, Atienza F, Fernández-Avilés F, Pita A, Rodríguez-Roda J, Pinto A, Tamargo J, Delpón E

In humans, chronic atrial fibrillation decreases the transient outward current and ultrarapid component of the delayed rectifier current differentially on each atria and increases the slow component of the delayed rectifier current in both.

J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.. 2010 May;55(21):2346-54, PMID: 20488306

The purpose of this study was to compare the voltage-dependent K(+) currents of human cells of the right and left atria and determine whether electrical remodeling produced by chronic atrial fibrillation (CAF) is chamber-specific.


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Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional IMIM - Parc de Salut Mar