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López Fernández JC, Masjuan Vallejo J, Arenillas Lara J, Blanco González M, Botia Paniagua E, Casado Naranjo I, Deyá Arbona E, Escribano Soriano B, Freijo Guerrero MM, Fuentes B, Gállego Cullere J, Geffners Sclarskyi D, Gil Núñez A, Gómez Escalonilla C, Lago Martin A, Legarda Ramírez I, Maciñeiras Montero JL, Maestre Moreno J, Moniche Álvarez F, Muñoz Arrondo R, Purroy García F, Ramírez Moreno JM, Rebollo Álvarez Amandix M, Roquer J, Rubio Borrego F, Segura T, Serrano Ponza M, Tejada García J, Tejero Juste C, Vidal Sánchez JA

Analysis of stroke care resources in Spain in 2012: have we benefitted from the Spanish Health System's stroke care strategy?

Neurologia. 2014 Sep;29(7):387-96, PMID: 24035294

The Spanish Health System's stroke care strategy (EISNS) is a consensus statement that was drawn up by various government bodies and scientific societies with the aim of improving quality throughout the care process and ensuring equality among regions. Our objective is to analyse existing healthcare resources and establish whether they have met EISNS targets.


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Una iniciativa de

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional IMIM - Parc de Salut Mar